4 Ways to Help Your Mortgage Transaction Close On Time

When you've finally found the home you're looking for at the right price, it's easy to think that the hard part is over; however, there's still a lot to do in order to ensure your purchase goes through without a hitch. If you're tying up the loose ends on your home purchase, here are some things you should do to avoid any unnecessary delays. Hire A Legal Professional However much research you may have done in regards to buying a home, there's still a lot of legal jargon in the closing documents that can be difficult for most people to…
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Pre-approval vs. Pre-qualification

Pre-approval and pre-qualification are terms commonly used in the context of mortgage loans, but they can also apply to other types of loans. While they sound similar, they have different meanings and implications in the loan application process: Pre-qualification: Definition: Pre-qualification is a preliminary assessment of a borrower's financial situation based on information provided by the borrower. It does not involve a thorough analysis of the borrower's credit report or an in-depth look at their ability to borrow. Process: To get pre-qualified, a borrower typically provides information such as income, debt, and assets to a lender or uses an online…
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How Do Mortgage Points Cut Your Interest Costs?

Those who are involved in the real estate industry likely know that mortgage rates are at an all-time low. At the same time, nobody wants to pay more for a house than they have to. Some of the most important factors that dictate how much someone is going to pay for a house include points and interest rates. While interest rates are incredibly low, there is a way to make them lower. This comes in the form of points. This is additional money that is paid upfront to get a better deal over the life of the loan. Even though…
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You Ask, We Answer: What Are the Pros and Cons of Private Mortgage Insurance?

It's easy to get Private Mortgage Insurance (PMI) confused with homeowners' insurance, but PMI is an entirely different thing that may or may not be necessary when it comes to your home purchase. If you're going to be investing in a home in the near future and are wondering what PMI may mean for you, here are some things to consider regarding this type of insurance. Your Down Payment Amount If you've been perusing the housing market for a while, you've probably heard that 20% is the ideal amount to put down when investing in a home; however, you might…
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Negotiating Homebuying Costs: Securing Your Dream Home at the Right Price

Buying a home is one of life's significant milestones, but it often comes with a significant price tag. Fortunately, the sticker price on a house isn't always set in stone. When buying a home, negotiating certain costs can save you a significant amount of money. Here are some costs that every homebuyer should negotiate: Closing costs: Closing costs are the fees associated with finalizing the purchase of a home. They typically include things like appraisal fees, title search fees, and attorney fees. Closing costs can be a significant expense, so it's worth trying to negotiate them with the seller or…
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