Greenify Your Home with Our Guide to Conducting a DIY Energy Audit

The idea of conducting an energy audit on your home might seem like something complicated that should be left to the experts, but there are ways for you to make your home a little greener without consulting anybody. Instead of having someone else do the work, here are a few simple ways for you to inspect your home and green up its energy use. Do A Candle Test Of Exterior Walls Since cold air coming in from outside your home can impact your energy use significantly, do the simple test of taking a candle on a tour of your home…
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3 Easy Ways to Make Your Home More ‘Pet Friendly’

Whether you're moving to a new home or you have a new family pet, it can be a struggle to make the place a little friendlier for them. From the garbage can to the cupboards and doors, there can be a lot of dangers that have the ability to hurt your furry friend you might not be aware of. If you're looking for some simple ways to make their life a little easier, here are a few things you can do. Take Care Of The Trash The image of dogs sifting through the trash is common for a reason, so…
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Renters Missed Out On Tens Of Thousands Of Dollars This Past Year

Rent has gone up significantly during the past year. Even though it is not unusual for rent to go up over time, the average rent across the country has increased significantly during the past year. This means that the average rent will probably be even higher next year than it is this year. Even though this is one of the biggest deterrents against renting, there are other reasons to get out of the rental market as well.  Renters Stand To Lose More Money This Year One of the biggest reasons why renters are losing so much money is that the…
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Keep Your Home Free From Clutter With These Helpful Unpacking Tips

The thrill of purchasing a new home is unparalleled; however, once you close on the sale, the dreaded unpacking process begins. You probably did not realize just how much stuff you had until you had to pack it all up. Worse yet, you need to unpack it when you get to your new home. If you don’t unpack intelligently, your new home could end up disorganized and full of clutter. With this in mind, how can you unpack without leading to a tremendous amount of clutter in your home? Get Rid Of Items You Do Not Need As you go…
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Looking for an Eco-friendly Upgrade? Try These Easy Ways to Save Water Around the Home

With the impact we have on our environment becoming a matter of greater concern, it's becoming more important for the average citizen to know they're doing their part. While there are many simple tricks for saving water that will make you feel better about your environmental footprint, here are a few easy upgrades that will make that saving a little more automatic. Consider a Cistern Device With outhouses a thing of the past, flushing the toilet has become one of the ways in which household water is being overused the most, but flushing less simply isn't a viable option. Instead…
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