Understanding Appraisals and What to Do If Your Home Doesn’t Appraise for Its Purchase Price

It can be a bit of a surprise if your home turns out to be valued at less than the purchase price offered, but this is the type of thing that can occur in an appraisal situation. While this can change everything from your contract to the amount of your down payment if your home has been appraised at less than you envisioned, here are some options you may want to consider. Review The Appraisal Contingency Clause If an appraisal contingency clause is built into the terms of your contract, this means that the terms of your contract can be…
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The Pros and Cons of Paying Your Mortgage Bi-weekly Vs. Monthly

When applying for a new mortgage or after closing, many may have the option to choose between a single monthly mortgage payment or smaller bi-weekly payments. There are benefits and drawbacks associated with both options, and some personal financial considerations may need to be reviewed in order to make a decision that is best for the individual. With a closer look at the pros and cons of both options, homeowners or home mortgage applicants can make a more informed decision. Easy Budget Management For Some With a single monthly mortgage payment, there is often a need for those who get…
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Looking to Close Faster? Follow This Easy Guide to Speeding Up the Mortgage Process

If you're buying a home, you'll want to try to get your mortgage processed as quickly as possible. Improperly filed mortgage applications are one of the biggest reasons why home sales get delayed, and if you have a hard move-out date already set, it's critical that your mortgage process goes smoothly. With careful planning, though, you can shorten the mortgage process and get your financing approved faster. Here's what you need to do to speed up the approval. Get Your Paperwork in Order Before You Apply One of the biggest reasons why mortgages get delayed is because the applicant is…
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The Pros and Cons of Using Spare Funds to Pay Your Mortgage Down Faster

A home mortgage payment can be a large or even the largest expense in a person's budget, and not having this payment any longer can be a life changing experience. Because of this, you may be dreaming about the day when you no longer have to make this payment. Some people may even actively make extra payments to their mortgage in order to pay the outstanding balance off more quickly. These may be funds from an IRS tax refund, cash received from the holidays or a birthday or some other windfall. Before you make the decision about whether to use…
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3 Easy Ways to Put Aside a Bit of Extra Cash So You Can Pay off Your Mortgage Faster

If your personal budget is similar to many other people's budgets, your home mortgage payment is by far the largest expense that you pay for each month. In fact, this payment may easily account for 20 or 25 percent or more of your take-home income. Understandably, you may be focused on trying to pay this expense off early. By focusing on this payment, you can build equity and may be able to achieve financial security more quickly. You simply have to find a way to put aside a bit of extra cash regularly so that you can make extra payments,…
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