An Overview of Mortgage Forbearance: What Is This And What Should Homeowners Know?

Current times are tough and there are a lot of homeowners who are having trouble making ends meet. Therefore, they are looking for ways to remain financially afloat as they assess their options. One option that people might have heard a lot about is called mortgage forbearance. It is critical for everyone to understand what mortgage forbearance is and how this might be able to help them during these challenging times. Importantly, it is also important for people to know what mortgage forbearance is not. What Does Mortgage Forbearance Do? For those who are currently facing financial challenges, mortgage forbearance…
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Home Values Are Impacted By School Zones: Is The Move Worth It?

If you are looking for a home, then you probably have a budget in mind. You also need to know about the most common factors that influence the price of a home. One factor that always seems to play a role in the price of a home is the quality of the school system. This makes sense. After all, a lot of people who are looking for a home have children (or are planning on having children) and want to make sure they have access to a quality education. At the same time, is it truly worth the price increase…
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Home Expenses Include Far More Than Just the Down payment

If you are thinking about purchasing your first home in the near future, then you need to be aware of the costs that you are going to take on. When you are looking at the cost of a home, it is very tempting to focus on the sticker price of the home. Even though the down payment is going to be the largest check you are going to write, this is not the only cost that you are going to pay. There are numerous other costs for which you need to budget as well. By thinking about all of these costs…
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A Late Payment: Credit Score Impact

This has been a difficult year for everyone. There are a lot of people who are worried that they might not be able to keep up with their mortgage payments. Small businesses have had to close their doors and numerous individuals have been laid off from work. It is important for homeowners to understand that banks do not want people to foreclose on their homes either. Therefore, they are often willing to work out an alternate payment plan with homeowners who are struggling due to dire financial situations. Those who are late on a mortgage payment might be wondering how this…
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How Are Different Mortgage Lenders Handling Student Loans During the Pandemic?

The coronavirus pandemic has had a massive impact on everyone. This pandemic has led to massive economic issues as well. Given the ongoing crisis as it relates to student loan debt, many students are wondering how the pandemic is going to impact their student loans and how their student loans are going to impact a potential mortgage payment. There are a few points to keep in mind. Freddie Mac In general, loans backed by Freddie Mac are going to use the student loan payment that is marked on the credit report. If this amount is $0 or unknown, then the…
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