What Homeowners Must Do When Behind On Mortgage Payments

There are lots of homeowners who fall on rough times from time to time. For example, some people may be in the midst of changing jobs. Other people might be going back to school. When this happens, it can be hard for homeowners to keep up with their mortgage payments. Even though they might be thinking about waiting for the bank to do something, this would be the ultimate mistake. There are ways to handle late mortgage payments as long as homeowners reach out to the lender to discuss their options. What should homeowners do if they start falling behind…
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How Much Income Should People Spend On A Mortgage?

When people are looking for a home, this is an exciting process. There is always something fun about looking at potential homes and envisioning a future there. This is a big decision. At the same time, it is just as important for people to think about how much of their money they should be spending on their mortgage. There are a few rules of thumb that people should keep in mind.  The 28 Percent Rule One of the most common rules that financial advisors and lenders are going to talk about is going to be the 28 percent rule. This…
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3 Budgeting Tips to Help Make Your New Mortgage Payments Easier

Buying a new home is an exciting time, but excitement can easily turn to stress if there isn't enough money to pay the monthly mortgage bill. The added expense can take some time to get used to, but there are ways to make the payments easier, especially in those first few months when money is the tightest. Prioritize The Mortgage Bill And Pay It Immediately This may seem like a counterintuitive tip for anybody looking for help making mortgage payments, but it is easily the best one and the one that provides the most trouble for homeowners. Late mortgage payments…
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